A general synopsis of the 2001 season of ROTATE is as follows:

04-07 May: Lubbock, Wichita Falls, Altus, back to Norman, Gainsville, S OK: Tornado data including some during genesis. 8-12 minutes. Single Doppler only. Several volume scans. No images yet.

10 May: Des Moines, IA: Mean looking hooks and mesos, but no tornadoes.

17-20 May: W OK, Des Moines NM, Wichita Falls, Eastern OK. Dual-Doppler in Tornado near Enterprise OK. Distant data in Tornado near Dustin OK. Dual-Doppler in Enterprise was very lopsided (circulation center 1.2 km from DOW3) and tornado was weak.

27 May: 2 Gustnadoes in KS Haboob

30 May: E Turkey tornado 5-10 minutes 45-50 m/s. Quanah tornado (5-10 minutes, 45-50 m/s), Davidson weak tornadoes (35 m/s 2 minutes)

02-05 June: Limon CO, Wellington KS: Tornadogenesis S of Argonia KS, more than 10 minutes before genesis dual-Doppler, through life of tornado. Great dual-Doppler geometry

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