Among the highlights from the 2003 season of ROTATE, a supercell crossed north of Geary with at least two tornadoes embedded in a very intense surface mesocyclone. An anticyclonic tornado occured north of Calumet. Single-Doppler observations from DOW3 will be posted in the near future.

A general synopsis of the 2001 season of ROTATE is as follows:

08 May 2003: Deployed on dying tornado that was passing through Lawrence, Kansas. May have collected data, probably mobile, while tornado was causing minor damage in Lawrence. Tornado and storm, maybe not in that order, rapidly dissipated during deployment

09 May 2003: Dual-Doppler deployment in impending genesis region east of Binger. Ball of hook passed too close to baseline and over radars. Very interesting 12m resolution data, possible dual. Single Doppler data, both mobile and stationary on various tornadoes that passed across Union city (2 simultaneous) and Oklahoma City. Some data at 800 m range northeast of Oklahoma City. Some images are available here.

15 May 2003: Single, Dual, and Rapid-Scan deployments on 6 tornadoes in northern Texas panhandle near towns of Stratford and Texoma. Two simultaneous tornadoes at at least two times. Cyclic genesis observed. Rapid-scan collected first multiple level simultaneous data. Possible multiple-Doppler data near Texoma while DOW3 was in ditch. Some images and more in-depth descriptions are available here.

This page will be undergoing several changes - check back soon for more information!

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