Request the DOWs

As a National Science Foundation Facility, the Doppler on Wheels Network is available for both research and educational purposes. The procedure for obtaining the DOWs will vary depending on which purpose best describes your request and intent. If you would like to request the DOWs...

...For Research

If you would like to utilize the DOWs network for research purposes, the CSWR Request Form, will cover requests for the DOWs. It must be returned directly (via mail, e-mail or fax) to CSWR.

...For Education

Want to get a DOW for your class? It's relatively easy (CSWR provides the training, lectures, etc.), and, if funded by the NSF, costs nothing to your university!

Any NSF-sponsored PI can request the DOWs and support from the Deployment Pool. If approved by NSF, deployment costs are covered by the deployment pool, not individual project grants. Non-NSF PI’s can request DOWs, but not Deployment Pool support.

There are two forms which must be completed prior to the approval of any education-related DOW project.

The first, the Educational Request Form, must be filled in and submitted to the NSF directly.

As in the case of research-related requests, the CSWR Request Form must also be returned directly to CSWR.

For more information, please visit the Earth Observing Laboratory's page for requesting NSF Lower Atmospheric Facilities, which you can find here.

For further clarification regarding which forms will best suit your project goals, please contact CSWR at